Monday, January 27, 2014


First time in a very long time we had a week off last week. Back into it though, here was tonights playlist


Iron Maiden - Invaders
Fudge Tunnel - Changes
Godflesh - Christbait Rising (Original Unreleased Mix)
Wehrmacht - Radical Neck Dissection
Damaged - Dreggs
Damaged - Dethroned Emperor
SteelSwarm - The Underworld Awaits
Brutal Truth - Choice of a New Generation
Brutal Truth - Wish you were Here... Wish you would Go Away!
Xenos - Cracked Tapes
Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
Wehrmacht - E!/Quick E!/Micro E!
SteelSwarm - Inheritor

Monday, January 13, 2014



Wehrmacht - Night of Pain
Wehrmacht - Balance of Opinion
Wehrmacht - Biermacht
Live-to-air Interview with Shann & Marco from Wehrmacht
Wehrmacht - The Wehrmacht
Spazztic Blurr - He Not a Home
Wehrmacht - Jawz Psycho Party Puke (Intro)
Wehrmacht - Shark Attack (v2k)
Grave - Into the Grave
The Ruiner - Cobalt Volcano
Eyehategod - New Orleans is the New Vietnam

Monday, January 6, 2014

First show for 2014


Clagg - Pathways to Oblivion
Windhand - Orchard
Dire Fate - Satanic Eclipse
Black Tusk - Enemy of Reason
Pregnancy - A Backing-Up of the Bowels
Carcass - 1985
Carcass - Thrasher's Abbattoir
The Amenta - Disintegrate
Clutch - Cyborg Bette
Party Vibez - Strapped for Thrash
Grave - Reality of Life (New Version)
Watain - De Profundis
Mayhem - Necrolust
Wehrmacht - Go Home
Absolutely fucking HUGE week of music coming up!!!