Saturday, February 28, 2009

couldn't even make it 3 in a row!

So it's our third post now and to my knowledge there's no playlist to post! I (Wayniac) was off at a not-so-metal concert while Mike FB was doing a 70's Rock special with a special guest. No idea what was played but does anyone out there really care anyway? Does anyone read this? Just leave a comment if you've read it, can be anything, you can abuse us if it makes you feel better. I'm thinking I'll post the few crappy pics up from the Melvins gig last month, and possibly the very short video I recorded too (man it was too friggin' good to be just standing there the whole night with a camcorder so 30 seconds is all you get. Very crap quality too.)

I can give you a brief review of the Monarch gig on Sunday 22nd too:

It was very very good, much better than I thought it might be.

Is that too brief? perhaps. I'll elaborate a little more, I was a tiny bit skeptical (ok, a LOT) because while I do like doom metal, I do like noise/drone in small doses, I do NOT like female vocalists (as a general rule). Ooooh aren't I contraversial? Well bring on the complaints. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the female voice, it's just I've never really heard any in metal that I like. But back to the gig, it was $15, which I would have happily paid for Agents of Abhorrence, 1 of 4 support bands that night. The others (whose names escape me for the time being) were mainly drone/doom/experimental, and pretty good at what they did I thought. Then Monarch came on stage, and it was a sloooooooowwwww loooooooooowwwww dooooooooooommmmyyy sludgy sonic booooooooooom, and I was very pleased to hear the vocals were painful, anguished screams and howls, that sounded more like they were from some kind of beast than the petite little French girl that was creating them. Admittedly, there were a LOT of effects used (echoes, loops, distortions, who knows? I'm too dumb to know that's for sure) but either way it was incredibly harsh and powerful (she was holding the mic about 1 1/2 feet away from her mouth and it was still picking it up loudly!!!). A very heavy and intense set lasting around 45 minutes I think, I believe it was 2 songs (1 album) but I could well be wrong. Then bring on the encore, and it was a Discharge (or one of those Dis-crust bands anyway) cover which worked surprisingly well! Wasn't slowed down too much, still kept all the disortion and thankfully the vocals didn't go all sweet and angelic or anything stupid like that. All in all a great gig, I now own the "Dead Men Tell No Tales" double album compilation and a Monarch shirt (was disappointed that it wasn't a tour shirt, but how do you say no to a shirt with a burning church???)
Intensions were there to go see them again the following Saturday, but it just didn't happen. An etched tour 7" was being purchased on my behalf though (thanks John!!), looking forward to that!

Blahhh, longest bloody blog I've ever done. Thanks Heathen Skulls. Go listen to Monarch

And listen in on Wednesday night, should be back to the weekly Grind...

Oh yeah - Click LISTEN LIVE! at 21:00 AEST

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18/02/2009 - Special Guest Programmer - Turtle Wax!


***Special Guest Programmer - Turtle Wax!***

Eagles Of Death Metal - I Want You So Hard
Clutch - Power Player
Turbonegro - Stroke The Shaft
White Stripes - Little Cream Soda
Fu Manchu - Mongoose
Bill Bailey - Hokey Kokey
Kyuss - Green Machine
Eagles Of Death Metal - I'm Your Torpedo
Queens Of The Stone Age - Hangin' Tree
Bad News - Drink Till I Die
The Tea Party - Paint It Black
Ear2000 - The Race
Queen - Flash
The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Boll Weevil
White Stripes - Martyr For My Love For You

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Infernal Noize Debut Blog

Well we've finally posted a Blog!
Here is the playlist from tonight's show:


Napalm Death - Multinational Corporations
Napalm Death - Instinct Of Survival
Christbait - Blow
General Surgery - Anthropological Abattoir
Butcher ABC - Apocalyptic Bestial Congregation
Waco Jesus - Sex, Drugs & Deathmetal
Machetazo - Altares De Lo Macabro
The Day Everything Became Nothing - 7
Splatterhouse - Splatterhouse
Gruesome Stuff Relish - Don't Feel Shame
Oracle Of The Void - 302
Oraclte Of The Void - Bleak In The North (Look To The South)
'Neath - Untruths
Autopsy - Horrific Obsession
Agents Of Abhorrence - Through My Veins
Super Fun Happy Slide - Regurgitation Of Giblet-Like Chunks Of Pathologically Perverse Gore
Downriver - Devil By Any Other Name